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Biotechnology in Muskmelon

Musk Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is crop of Cucurbitaceae family. It is also known as Kharbuza. Musk melon is valued as a summer fruit. The chromosome no. of musk melon is 2n=24 and origin is Tropical Africa. It is stated to have a cooling effect on the body system. Further, it is a demulscent, diuretic and aphrodisiac. It is applied as a lotion in several skin conditions. The roots have emetic and purgative properties. Mature fruits of muskmelon are round in shape and 8-16 cm in diameter. Nevertheless some oblong, flat and oval fruit shaped varieties are also available. Immature fruits are used as vegetable and seeds are edible. The fruits of C. angaria (West Indian gherkin) is mostly used in pickles and also as a cooked vegetable. There is another form called snap melon (Cucumis melo var. momordica) found throughout India. It is consumed at full ripened stage.