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7/25/2024 12:00:00 AM Contents-Volume 5, Issue 7 Contents July 2024 View More
7/21/2024 12:00:00 AM Understanding the Basics of Postbiotics

Bioactive substances known as postbiotics are produced by probiotics during metabolic activities. These substances, which positively affect the host's health, include short-chain fatty acids, teichoic acids, extracellular polysaccharides, enzymes, and peptides. In contrast to probiotics, postbiotics are components or byproducts of metabolism rather than living microbes. Postbiotics can either boost or inhibit the immune system, reinforcing the body's defenses against infections and lowering inflammation. By strengthening the intestinal barrier, they lower the membrane permeability and inhibit the movement of toxins and pathogens across it. Some postbiotics have direct antibacterial qualities that prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and encourage a healthy gut microbiome.

Ameenabenazir P et al. View More
7/20/2024 12:00:00 AM Role of Artificial Diets in Mass Production of Insects

Artificial insect diets are man-made food sources designed specifically for insects. Constituents like carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and substrate form the basis of these diets, providing a balanced nutritional profile for insect development. Artificial diets are essential in insect rearing, providing a practical alternative to natural host rearing methods. They effectively address limitations associated with natural hosts, such as timeconsuming processes, labor-intensive requirements, seasonal dependencies, and increased mortality rates during handling. Nutrient levels in artificial diets can be adjusted to optimize insect performance. Artificial diets are vital in pest management, aiding in the rearing of natural enemies, producing attractants and pheromones, and implementing techniques like the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). Research on developing diverse and cost-effective artificial diets is crucial. This will not only improve our understanding of insect biology but also lead to more effective pest management and a sustainable future for mass insect production.

Shubham Dogra et al. View More
7/19/2024 12:00:00 AM Veritable Treasure Trove of Nutraceuticals Properties: Malus domestica

Malus domestica (Apple) a popular fruit that is a great source of phytochemicals. Several phytochemicals found in apples, such as quercetin, catechin, phloridzin and chlorogenic acid, are potent antioxidants. These antioxidants aid in reducing cholesterol, preventing lipid oxidation and limiting the emergence of cancer cells. Apple consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of chronic conditions like diabetes, cancer, asthma and cardiovascular disease. The phytochemical composition of apples fluctuates significantly with different apple varieties and there are also minute variations in phytochemicals as the fruit ages and ripens. Apple phytochemicals are hardly ever affected by storage, but they can be significantly impacted by processing.

Seerat Gupta et al. View More
7/18/2024 12:00:00 AM Nutrient Bioavailability under Aerobic Condition in Rice

Many factors that determine bioavailability of essential elements are expected to change after a shift to aerobic system of rice cultivation. Soil pH is an important characteristic and controls the availability of most essential plant nutrients and there by the growth and yield of rice. Flooding overcomes both acid and alkaline (sodic) conditions in soil. The pH of an acid soil changed from 3.5 to near 6.0 and that of an alkaline soil changed from 8.1 to near 7.3 on submergence for a period of 2 weeks due to the dilution of H+ or Na+ ions and reverted back to its original pH when flooding was withdrawn. In aerobic rice, as the concept of flooding the paddy fields is abandoned, bulk soil pH may either increase or decrease depending on the original soil pH. In an aerobic rice study at Philippines, the pH of soil increased from 7.0 at seeding to near 8.0 at flowering in 2007 and was reported to be responsible for micronutrient deficiency.

Vanitha J et al. View More
7/18/2024 12:00:00 AM Application Of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Crop Production and Protection Technologies

The history of artificial intelligence (AI) in agriculture traces back several decades, marked by gradual advancements and increasing integration of technology. Agriculture could undergo an evolution thanks to artificial intelligence which would enable farmers to grow more food with less resources. It helps to improve new strategies in crop production and protection. Artificial intelligence helps to inform us about weather forecasting, evaluating plant health, assessment of soil health, better market access and it has an effective role in plant protection strategies like pest control, disease diagnosis, weed management etc.

Ishanu Mandal and Sonalika Dey View More
7/17/2024 12:00:00 AM Cultivation Technology of Sorghum

Sorghum is very important yield for fodder and grain purpose. It is a highly nutritive cereal yield. It is commonly called as jowar, great millet camel yield and scientifically known as Sorghum bicolor. Its belong to the family Poaceae (FAO,s 2019) Sorghum is self-pollinating plant and their height above 60-460 cm. and their sowing is mainly the start of the monsoon September to mid-October and climate requires for growth and development (27 to 30 degree celcious) temperature and relative humidity requires at least 80% and some important varieties for highly production of fodder and grains such as - M.P. Chari (Sorghum bicolor) PC-1, PC-6, PC-23, HC-136, HC-171, PSC-1, Pant Chari-5, Pant Chari-6 and Sorghum Sudan hybrid (Akram et al., 2007)

Shachi Tiwari et al. View More
7/17/2024 12:00:00 AM Communication through Dance: Honey Bee Strategies for Food Location

This abstract explores fascinating dances used by honey bees to communicate about food sources. The round dance is used for nearby food within about 50 meters, where bees move in circles to signal its presence. It doesn't give direction but tells other bees food is close. The wagtail dance is for food farther away, over 100 meters. It involves a figure-eight pattern where the direction of their straight run shows which way the food is relative to the sun. These dances show how bees share information to help their colony find food efficiently.

Dr. Deepak Kumar et al. View More
7/16/2024 12:00:00 AM Seed Testing: Key to Establishing and Maintaining Seed Quality Standards

Seed testing is a crucial process undertaken to ensure the quality, viability, and genetic purity of seeds before they are sown. This evaluation helps in determining factors such as germination rate, moisture, vigour, disease resistance, and genetic identity. By conducting seed testing, farmers, seed producers, and researchers can make informed decisions regarding seed selection, storage, and planting practices, thereby maximizing crop yield, maintaining consistency in crop performance, and safeguarding agricultural productivity. In India, seed testing primarily focuses on evaluating the moisture content, germination potential, and physical purity of seeds. This quality assessment is conducted using small samples drawn from larger seed lots intended for cultivation. The amount of seed sample analyzed in laboratories is significantly smaller in comparison to the total seed batch it represents.

Hridesh Harsha Sarma View More
7/15/2024 12:00:00 AM From Trash to Treasure: The Art of Sugarcane Trash Composting

Composting sugarcane trash offers a sustainable solution to manage agricultural waste effectively. This process involves transforming leftover plant material from sugarcane fields into nutrient-rich compost through controlled decomposition. Sugarcane trash, comprising leaves and tops, is rich in carbon and nutrients, enhancing soil fertility and structure when composted. Pressmud and sugarcane molasses can also be used as a potential source of compost after proper decomposition and nutrient enrichment. Successful composting mitigates environmental impacts by reducing waste disposal, improving soil health, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

Hridesh Harsha Sarma and Saurav Kumar Dutta View More
7/15/2024 12:00:00 AM Seaweed Extract as a Biostimulator

Seaweed extracts (SWEs) are gaining popularity as a sustainable crop production due to their numerous benefits for both crops and the environment. Seaweed extracts are utilized in a variety of ways, including seed treatment, foliar spray, and soil application, to protect plants and promote growth. Seaweed extract is more beneficial than chemical fertilizer because it is biodegradable, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly. Seaweed products have been widely used as bio stimulants in crop production which contains growth regulators like cytokinin, auxins, gibberellins, and betaines, as well as macronutrients like Ca, K, P, and micronutrients like Fe, Cu, Zn, B, Mn, Co, and Mo that are essential for plant growth and development. Seaweed extracts are commercially available on the market.

S.V. Rajeswari et. al. View More
7/14/2024 12:00:00 AM The Gig Economy's New Frontier: Animal Husbandry

The gig economy is driving substantial changes across industries, including India's animal husbandry sector, traditionally reliant on full-time agricultural labor. Increasingly, the sector is embracing gig work for its flexibility and efficiency. Technological advancements, like widespread smartphone use and improved rural internet access, have enabled digital platforms to connect farmers with temporary workers and specialized services, mitigating economic challenges and labor shortages. However, significant workforce management reforms are needed. Despite these challenges, the gig economy's growth in India's agriculture promises enhanced productivity, cost reduction, and improved access to professional services. Nevertheless, ensuring fair treatment of gig workers and maintaining high standards of animal care are critical priorities that require careful management. Overall, the evolution towards a more adaptive and resilient animal husbandry sector in India reflects its readiness to capitalize on technological progress and flexible labor practices for sustainable development.

Phate N. D. et al. View More
7/14/2024 12:00:00 AM Major Challenges in Vegetable Farming

Vegetable production is crucial for sustainable agriculture in India, the second-largest producer after China. Despite a surplus, nutritional deficiencies persist due to a gap between actual and potential yields. Key constraints include limited knowledge of advanced farming techniques, stray animals, fragmented farms, market accessibility issues, inadequate storage, low prices, high transportation costs, and insufficient irrigation. High chemical costs and climate sensitivity also affect yields. Empowering farmers with knowledge and market information can enhance productivity and income at the household level.

Dr. Deepak Kumar et al. View More
7/13/2024 12:00:00 AM Importance of Mobile Phone Technology in Agriculture Communication

Agriculture, one of the oldest and most vital industries, is experiencing a technological transformation with mobile phones playing a crucial role in enhancing agricultural communication. Mobile technology provides farmers with real-time information on weather, market prices, and best practices, thus facilitating informed decision-making and improving productivity. It fosters better connectivity among farmers, experts, and stakeholders, promoting knowledge sharing and collaborative problem-solving. Additionally, mobile phones enhance financial inclusion by providing access to banking, credit, and insurance services, and support precision agriculture through tools like GPS and remote sensing. However, challenges such as connectivity issues, digital literacy gaps, and cost barriers limit the full potential of mobile technology in agriculture. Addressing these limitations is essential to maximize the benefits and drive further advancements in the sector.

Hemant Sunil Bachhav View More
7/13/2024 12:00:00 AM Impact of Smut Disease on Yield and Quality of Sugarcane

Smut has been a significant disease in sugarcane cultivation globally. Being a perennial and monocultured crop, sugarcane faces multifaceted challenges from a range of pests and diseases. Smut is one of the most important sugarcane diseases affecting productivity and sustainability. The disease can cause substantial economic losses by reducing both yield and quality of sugarcane. The economic impact of smut includes not only direct yield losses but also additional costs associated with disease management practices, such as fungicide applications or replanting with disease-resistant varieties. Chronic presence of smut in sugarcane fields can lead to cumulative losses over multiple cropping seasons if not effectively managed. This highlights the importance of integrated disease management strategies to mitigate its impact. In regions where smut is endemic or where environmental conditions favor its spread, growers must be vigilant in monitoring and implementing effective control measures to minimize yield losses and sustain sugarcane production profitability. Research into resistant cultivars and sustainable agricultural practices continues to be crucial in managing this challenging disease.

Jampana Sailaja Rani View More
7/12/2024 12:00:00 AM Harnessing the Ocean's Bounty: Coastal Communities Empowered through Seaweed Farming

Seaweed farming is an environmental and sustainable practice which is globally acknowledged due to its less use of resources and inputs to begin any entrepreneurship. It generates sustainable livelihoods for small-scale farmers and harvesters, reduces poverty especially in coastal region, enhances food and nutrition security, as well as deals with pollution, climate change, and the loss of marine biodiversity. The contribution of seaweed to sustainable developmental goals were diverse on the other hand it has enormous potential to expand beyond its present markets. Seaweed is used in many different fields and businesses, including food, textiles, medicine, cosmetics, fertilizers and animal feed. However, drawing appropriate economic benefit out of commercial use of seaweed is the foremost aspect to improve the revenue of fisherman?s income as well as national income.

Koneru Ramya and Gadde Sri Harsha View More
7/11/2024 12:00:00 AM Significance of Weather Forecasting in Crop Production with respect to Indian Scenario

Weather significantly impacts agricultural production by influencing crop growth, development, and yields, as well as the occurrence of pests and diseases. It also affects water requirements and nutrient mobilization under varying moisture conditions, and it determines the timing and efficacy of preventive and cultural practices in crop management. There are total of five types of weather forecasting which includes short range forecast, extended forecast, long range forecast, now casting and climatological forecasting. Several factors like cloud cover (quantity and variety), temperature, direction and speed of the wind, snowfall and rain, relative moisture content, extreme weather conditions, such as waves of heat or cold, fog, frost, hail, thunderstorms, low-pressure zones, wind squalls and gales, and varying degrees of depressions, cyclones, and tornadoes are considered while forecasting. As the world grapples with global warming and climate change, which have devastating effects on global food production, the significance of weather forecasting in agriculture becomes increasingly crucial to be considered for ensuring food safety and profitability of farmers.

Hridesh Harsha Sarma and Mriganko Kakoti View More
7/10/2024 12:00:00 AM Role of Insects as a Potential Source of Nutrients in Human Diet

Insects have emerged as a promising source of nutrition for humans, offering a sustainable and nutrient-rich alternative to traditional protein sources. Rich in protein, healthy fats, vitamins (such as B vitamins), minerals (like iron and zinc), and dietary fiber, they provide a well-rounded nutritional profile. Beyond their nutritional benefits, insects require significantly fewer resources?land, water, and feed?compared to conventional livestock, making them environmentally sustainable. Consuming insects has been a longstanding human practice, yet remains stigmatized or taboo in certain cultures. Compared to conventional livestock, insect farming requires minimal land, water, and feed inputs, thereby reducing environmental footprint. Their cultivation emits significantly fewer greenhouse gases and contributes less to deforestation, aligning with sustainability goals. This efficiency makes insects particularly attractive in regions where agricultural resources are limited or climate challenges threaten food security.

Hridesh Harsha Sarma and Siranjib Sonowal View More
7/10/2024 12:00:00 AM Method of Preparation of Various Inputs Used in Natural Farming

Natural farming emphasizes harmonizing with nature rather than opposing it. It promotes the use of natural predators, compost, animal dung, and locally available organic resources to enhance soil fertility, manage pests, and boost crop yields. The approach has gained global traction due to its environmental and socio-economic benefits. Components of natural farming are Beejamrit, jivamrit, Whapasa, Acchadana and plant protection. Neemastra, Agniastra, Brahmastra, Dashaparni ark and natural fungicides are used as plant protection measures. Preparation of these inputs is very crucial for proper growth and development of crops grown under this technique. Natural farming minimizes soil and water pollution, preserves biodiversity, and mitigates climate change impacts by reducing reliance on chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Countries like India have increasingly recognized and supported natural farming practices. Despite its benefits, challenges such as limited farmer awareness, inadequate access to organic inputs, and the need for supportive policies and infrastructure remain hurdles to widespread adoption.

Hridesh Harsha Sarma and Saurav Kumar Dutta View More
7/9/2024 12:00:00 AM The Journey of Artificial Seeds in Modern Agriculture

Artificial seeds with encapsulated somatic embryos and/or vegetative parts are now beginning to be seen in modern agriculture, promising both increased crop-yield and new plant varieties. Integrated with 21st-century technologies such storage and propagation of superior strains plant breeders have long sought for the solution, from two fronts, which are particularly important commercial hybrid rice clones rope in nanotechnology to its aid; trees defined by genome pattern in a way that man in the Street, whoever he Exposure to more than his share of Storage and seed germination have always been problematic, yet artificial seeds offer quick, regular germination and genetic preservation, which are helpful for this breed of plant to be bred. To speed up germination, farmers have developed a coating of biochar and added some active elements in the seed such as antifungal, nutrient solutions. These are enhancements in farming techniques. Using this artificial seed technology overcomes the vital problems originally associated with seed quality, germination and plant survival, bringing us closer now than ever before to a future of sustainable and efficient agriculture.

Srijal Sahu and Bazil A. Singh View More
7/9/2024 12:00:00 AM Pink Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus djamor): Introduction and General Farming Practices

Pleurotus djamor known as "Pink Oyster Mushroom" as the colour of the fruiting bodies are pink. This is a unique Pleurotus mushroom species among all the members of the Pleurotus species. They are nutritionally very rich composed of high quality of protein, high fibre, low fat, vitamin and essential minerals. These mushrooms have very unique taste that this can be considered as a good alternative to meat or non veg. P. djamor can be grown on a wide range of agro-wastes like wheat straw, soyabean, coffee husk, rice husk and paddy straw etc. But the best results only be available on the substrate which are having higher content of lignocelluloses. In India its cultivation can be popularized by working on its cultivation technology refinement, substrate availability and create awareness among the people regarding the health benefits of P. djamor. The cultivation of P. djamor is still following the same cultivation process as followed in the other species of oyster mushroom.

Vijay Kumar and Ashok Chhetri View More
7/8/2024 12:00:00 AM Application of Insect Pheromone in Agricultural Insect - Pests Management

Insect pheromones are specific natural compounds that meet modern pest control requirements, i.e., species-specificity, lack of toxicity to mammals, environmentally benign, and a component for the Integrated Pest Management of agricultural pests. Therefore, the practical application of insect pheromones, particularly sex pheromones, have had a tremendous success in controlling low density pest populations, and long-term reduction in pest populations with minimal impact on their natural enemies. Mass trapping and mating disruption strategies using sex pheromones have significantly reduced the use of conventional insecticides, thereby providing sustainable and ecofriendly pest management in agricultural crops.

Ankit Kumar and Aditya Kumar Sharma View More
7/8/2024 12:00:00 AM Agrowaste Fibers as Sustainable Alternative to Cotton

This article indicates the potential of natural cellulosic fibers obtained from agro-waste for the development of textile and allied products. Due to environmental constraint the cotton fiber is being replaced by many other natural fibers as they exhibit inherent multifunctional properties which are more sustainable. Since cotton is an important part of textile and allied industries because of its protagonist nature, many fibers need to be blended with cotton to develop God quality yarns and fabrics. Keeping the importance and demand for natural cellulosic fibers into consideration, industries need to find ways to make cotton more sustainable and appropriate application of other agro waste fibers for consumer and environment in coming future.

Vandana Gupta and Suman Sodhi View More
7/7/2024 12:00:00 AM Agroforestry: A Tool to Save the Planet

Agroforestry is a traditional land use system that may contribute to the solution of environmental degradation that arises due to natural and anthropogenic activities. Agroforestry is the practice of deliberately integrating woody vegetation (trees or shrubs) with crops and/or animal systems to benefit from the resulting ecological and economic interactions. Agriculture is currently a major net producer of greenhouse gasses and one of the reasons for the current biodiversity crises. Climate change has a great impact on agricultural ecosystems. Moreover, urbanization, industrialization and population explosion results in unbalanced environment. Agroforestry systems incorporating trees in crop cultivation or livestock systems can help to enhance carbon sequestration and to compensate for ongoing biodiversity loss. Agroforestry provides numerous provisioning, regulating, cultural and supporting ecosystem services and environmental benefits while promoting eco-intensification based on a more efficient use of the resources.

Kaberi Mahanta et al. View More
7/7/2024 12:00:00 AM Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) Bioactive Compounds and Applications

Turmeric is widely utilized as a spice, food colorant, and preservative in India, China, and South-East Asia. Potential bioactive compounds present in the turmeric and its extracts, it has been utilized in traditional medicine for various diseases such as diabetes, hepatitis, hemorrhoids, hysteria, indigestion, skin disease, inflammation, anorexia, hepatic disorders, cough, and sinusitis. Turmeric contains 3-6% polyphenolic compounds, collectively known as curcuminoids, which is a mixture of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin. Curcuminoids are major components responsible for various biological actions. Pure curcumin has more potent superoxide anion scavenging activity. Curcumin acts as a pro-oxidant in the presence of transition metal ions (Cu and Fe) and is a potent bioprotectant with a potentially wide range of therapeutic applications. This review article comprises several inputs like presence of active compounds, extraction procedure, structure curcumin, various pharmaceutical applications and recent research.

Gurusamy, K. et al. View More
7/6/2024 12:00:00 AM Kasuti Embroidery: A Timeless Tradition of Karnataka

India is the land of rich culture and diverse traditions. Almost every region of India has a distinct style of embroidery based on cultural history of the region. Kasuti embroidery, originating from the state of Karnataka in India, is a traditional craft that holds deep cultural and historical significance. Kasuti embroidery has a rich history dating back to the Chalukya dynasty, with mentions in ancient texts like the Kavirajamarga. Characterized by intricate patterns and motifs, Kasuti has been an integral part of Karnataka's textile heritage for centuries. Traditional Kasuti embroidery involves a variety of stitches, including the basic running stitch (gavanti), the double running stitch (murgi), and the cross-stitch (menthe). These stitches are used to create intricate geometric and floral patterns on fabrics like cotton and silk, using threads in contrasting colors. It used in traditional clothing like the Ilkal saree and the Kurta.

Reenawanti et al. View More
7/6/2024 12:00:00 AM Welfare of Animals during Handling and Transportation

Animal welfare is a major public concern because all farmed animals are thought to be sentient beings. Positive and negative aspects of the welfare of animals during transport should be assessed using a range of behavioural, physiological and carcass quality measures. Many of the indicators are measures of stress, involving long-term adverse effects, or indicators of pain, fear, or other feelings. Some of the key factors affecting the welfare of animals during handling and transport are: attitudes to animals and the need for staff training; methods of payment of staff; laws and retailers' codes; journey planning; traceability of animals; genetic selection; rearing conditions and experience; the mixing of animals from different social groups; handling procedures; driving methods; space allowance per animal on the vehicle; journey length; increased susceptibility to disease; increased spread of disease and the extent to which each individual can be inspected during the journey.

Dr. Dileep Singh et al. View More
7/5/2024 12:00:00 AM The Potential of Faba Beans in Agricultural Systems and its Wild Relatives

Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) have emerged as a promising crop with multifaceted potential in modern agricultural systems. This review says about the diverse roles of faba beans can play in sustainable agriculture, encompassing aspects such as soil health, crop rotation, yield improvement, and nutritional benefits. Vicia narbonensis, Vicia palaestina, and Vicia kalakhensis these are wild relatives of Faba bean. Faba beans are potential to improve soil fertility and fix atmospheric nitrogen, offer substantial ecological advantages as a rotation crop. Moreover, their adaptability to diverse climatic conditions and relatively low input requirements makes them an attractive option for farmers aiming to mitigate environmental impacts while maintaining profitability. Beyond their agronomic benefits, faba beans also exhibit nutritional qualities, contributing to food security and human health. Faba beans are rich in protein (20-35%), carbohydrates (55-65%), dietary fiber (10-15%), vitamins, and minerals, making them a valuable source of essential nutrients. Their unique profile, including high levels of lysine and other amino acids, distinguishes them as a complementary protein source, particularly in vegetarian and vegan diets. Furthermore, bioactive compounds like flavonoids and phenolic acids are present in faba bean, which have properties like antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, potentially reduces the risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular ailments and certain cancers. Despite these advantages, challenges such as disease susceptibility and limited market demand pose obstacles to widespread adoption. This review identifies areas for further research and emphasizes the need for integrated approaches to fully harness the potential of faba beans in modern agricultural systems.

Warale Shashank Sukhdev and Dr. Neha Thomas View More
7/4/2024 12:00:00 AM Sewage-fed Aquaculture in India: Challenges and Potential Solution

Sewage-fed aquaculture, a prevalent practice across various regions in Asia, involves fertilizing fish production with wastewater-a method known for its efficiency in utilizing resources. One prominent approach within this practice is the sanitary engineering pond system, which not only aids in fish cultivation but also significantly conserves energy. Today, sewage-fed aquaculture has become a well-established industry, offering economic stability due to its ability to yield marketable products with proper maintenance efforts. This unique culture system utilizes nutrient-rich water sources from urban and industrial areas for both aquaculture and agriculture, promoting sustainable production. By recycling used water from urban and industrial sources, sewage-fed aquaculture mitigates environmental pollution, fosters a sustainable ecosystem, and contributes to biodiversity conservation.

Akash Debnath and Sampa Baidya View More
7/4/2024 12:00:00 AM Empowering Farmers: The Role of Human- Computer Interaction in Agricultural Extension

In order to increase productivity and enhance user experience, this discipline investigates the implementation of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) concepts in the agricultural industry. It highlights the obstacles and deficiencies in the field of HCI research and suggests design concepts for HCI that are specifically suited to the special demands of the farming environment. In order to get insight into user preferences and issues, the study employs user surveys, interviews, and usability testing. This research highlights the value of user-centered design in agricultural contexts and offers case studies and useful insights for agricultural technology developers, legislators, and HCI practitioners.

Abhishek Naik et al. View More
7/3/2024 12:00:00 AM Celebrating World Environment Day: Indoor Planting's Perks for a Greener Environment

On 5 June 2024, UNEP and ESCAP are bringing together partners and stakeholders in Asia and the Pacific to discuss priority areas on land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience in the region. The event will explore solutions applicable for the region, such as circular water resource use, sustainable food production, and drought resilient urban development. Indoor planting offers numerous physical and emotional benefits. Plants act as natural air purifiers, absorbing toxins and releasing oxygen, improving indoor air quality. They also help regulate humidity levels, benefiting those with dry skin or respiratory issues. Additionally, plants contribute to noise reduction, creating a calming environment, and caring for them has been shown to reduce stress and promote well-being. The visual appeal of indoor plants can brighten a room and enhance its aesthetic. This article encapsulates the essence of World Environment Day 2024, focusing on the themes of land restoration and drought resilience, while acknowledging the host country's role and the regional emphasis on Asia and the Pacific.

Pushpa Yadav et al. View More
7/3/2024 12:00:00 AM Invasive Nature of Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E Smith) and its Management Strategies

Fall armyworm is one of the key pest infesting major cereal crops across the globe. This notorious alien pest has entered into India during 2018 and created huge damage to the crop within a short span of time. The farmers have opted for numerous pest management options but failed resulting in the high yield losses. The previous reports from the neighboring countries have clearly depicted resistance developed by the pest against major insecticides as well as even transgenic maize also. Hence sole dependency on the pesticides is not a viable option. Integration of several techniques in managing fall armyworm can be a solution to fall armyworm management.

Bharati Jambunatha Patil and G. Sham Supreeth View More
7/2/2024 12:00:00 AM Behavioral Differences between Sheep, Goat, Cattle and Buffalo

This comprehensive study delves deep into the behavioral variances in foraging and general activity among sheep, goats, cattle, and buffalo, shedding light on their remarkable adaptation to diverse environmental conditions. Each species displays unique behaviors rooted in evolutionary adaptations and dietary preferences. Sheep, as grazers with a preference for grasses, tend to flock closely, enhancing their safety against predators. In contrast, goats, with their browsing behavior and preference for varied vegetation, exhibit independence and agility, enabling them to exploit a wider range of foraging niches. Cattle and buffaloes thrive in different environments due to their distinct grazing and social behaviors. Understanding these differences is crucial for effective livestock management and can optimize grazing patterns, enhance resource use, and improve sustainability across different environments.

Dr. Abhishek Singh Tomar et al. View More
7/2/2024 12:00:00 AM Breaking Boundaries with Transformative Single-Cell Technologies in Plant Research

Single-cell technologies are revolutionizing our understanding of cellular diversity by examining individual cell genomes, epigenomes, transcriptomes, and proteomes. These methods vary in accuracy and usability, with well-established techniques like single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) and emerging multiomics approaches that combine different molecular layers. High-throughput cell isolation techniques, such as microfluidics, contrast with more labor-intensive methods like micromanipulation. Effective cell barcoding, especially combinatorial indexing, is key for sequencing efficiency. Single-cell genome amplification methods like MDA and LIANTI are being refined for better accuracy and coverage, while epigenome sequencing techniques face challenges due to limited DNA copies per cell. Transcriptome sequencing methods, including Smart-seq and Drop-seq, offer varying sensitivity and accuracy. Integrative approaches like scTrio-seq, which combine genomic, epigenetic, and transcriptional data, are enhancing our understanding of cellular behavior. Future advancements aim for "omni-omics," capturing a complete molecular and spatial picture of cells to fully understand their properties and lineage histories.

Somsole Bharath and Uttarayan Dasgupta View More
7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM An Insight into Recalcitrant Seeds of Forestry Species in India

Recalcitrant seeds, which cannot tolerate desiccation, pose significant challenges for the storage and germination of forestry species in India. This article provides insights into the characteristics, storage challenges, and germination requirements associated with recalcitrant seeds. The storage sensitivity of recalcitrant seeds limits their viability, affecting their availability for reforestation and afforestation programs. Immediate sowing in a suitable environment with high moisture levels and favorable temperatures is crucial for successful germination. Despite the challenges, the inclusion of recalcitrant species in forest restoration efforts is vital for maintaining biodiversity, ecosystem services, and supporting rural livelihoods. This article provides information regarding germination and storage viability of recalcitrant seeds. The conservation and utilization of recalcitrant seeds are inevitable for sustaining forest ecosystems and promoting sustainable development in India.

Ankita Sharma and Lokinder Sharma View More
7/1/2024 12:00:00 AM Rural Marketing: Bridging the Gap to Success

Rural marketing is essential in bridging the economic divide between rural and urban areas, fostering development and improving livelihoods. Rural marketing facilitates access to broader markets for rural producers, educates consumers, and promotes infrastructure development. Additionally, it creates local employment opportunities, encourages technology adoption, and supports product customization to meet rural needs. Collaborations with government and NGOs enhance the impact of these efforts. Overall, rural marketing emerges as a critical strategy for driving economic growth and achieving sustainable development in rural regions.

Komal Shukla et al. View More