Sandal (Santalum album L.) a valuable tree species belonging to the family Santalaceae is the most precious tree species with high commercial value in Indian culture and heritage (Srinivasan et al., 1992). S. album is an evergreen species capable to flourish well under variety of soils and climatic conditions under annual rainfall of 600-1600 mm and an altitude upto 1200 m. It attains a height of 10-15m and 1-2m girth at full maturity (Jain et al., 1999). India produces 400 tons of Sandalwood which contributes to only ten per cent at global level, while the global demand for Sandalwood production is approximately 5000-6000 tons/year. At present Indian Sandalwood oil market price is 2.5 to 3 lakh rupees per kg and heartwood rate is 9,500 Rs /kg (Anon., 2020). Due to the high value of oil and timber, S. album has been central among the all Sandalwood species in the aspect of research. Currently most of the world demand of sandalwood is supplied from Australia using S. spicatum known as Australian sandalwood.