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Marketing System of Vegetables in Hot Arid Regions of Rajasthan

Arid environment is characterized by hostile agro-climate and fragile ecosystem. However, a number of vegetables such as kachri, snapmelon, mateera, clusterbean, cowpea, mothbean (tender pods), greengram (tender pods), cowpea (veg.), aloevera, local mushroom, brinjal, and leafy vegetables such as fenugreek, amaranthus, bathua, palak, sangria are grown in the region and are considered arid vegetables. Five marketing channels were identified in the region on basis of survey conducted in Bikaner district of Rajasthan. The most efficient marketing channel was Producer -- Consumer which was fourth most followed channel while the most followed channel was Producer -- Primary wholesaler (local Mandi) -- Secondary wholesaler -- Retailers/ Hawkers -- Consumer.