Agriculture is the main source of India's population for their livelihood. Due to a growing population and a lack of arable land, the need for food is rising daily. Crop output is in significant danger from pest invasion and increased abiotic stress brought on by climatic changes. Numerous methods, including traditional breeding, mutagenesis, translocation breeding, and others, are being developed to create high-yielding cultivars that are resilient to biotic and environmental stress in order to control all of these risks. Later, transgene insertion was developed and used in genetically modified crops to achieve the desired results. However, modern advances in genome editing are the new weapon against agricultural hazards. To combat biotic and abiotic stress, CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) is an effective technique that is both simple and precious. Agriculture could undergo a transformation by the application of CRISPR/CAS9 technology, particularly in the face of climate change.