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Significance of Weather Forecasting in Crop Production with respect to Indian Scenario

Weather significantly impacts agricultural production by influencing crop growth, development, and yields, as well as the occurrence of pests and diseases. It also affects water requirements and nutrient mobilization under varying moisture conditions, and it determines the timing and efficacy of preventive and cultural practices in crop management. There are total of five types of weather forecasting which includes short range forecast, extended forecast, long range forecast, now casting and climatological forecasting. Several factors like cloud cover (quantity and variety), temperature, direction and speed of the wind, snowfall and rain, relative moisture content, extreme weather conditions, such as waves of heat or cold, fog, frost, hail, thunderstorms, low-pressure zones, wind squalls and gales, and varying degrees of depressions, cyclones, and tornadoes are considered while forecasting. As the world grapples with global warming and climate change, which have devastating effects on global food production, the significance of weather forecasting in agriculture becomes increasingly crucial to be considered for ensuring food safety and profitability of farmers.