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Pink Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus djamor): Introduction and General Farming Practices

Pleurotus djamor known as "Pink Oyster Mushroom" as the colour of the fruiting bodies are pink. This is a unique Pleurotus mushroom species among all the members of the Pleurotus species. They are nutritionally very rich composed of high quality of protein, high fibre, low fat, vitamin and essential minerals. These mushrooms have very unique taste that this can be considered as a good alternative to meat or non veg. P. djamor can be grown on a wide range of agro-wastes like wheat straw, soyabean, coffee husk, rice husk and paddy straw etc. But the best results only be available on the substrate which are having higher content of lignocelluloses. In India its cultivation can be popularized by working on its cultivation technology refinement, substrate availability and create awareness among the people regarding the health benefits of P. djamor. The cultivation of P. djamor is still following the same cultivation process as followed in the other species of oyster mushroom.