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Artificial Intelligence Equipped Nutrient Management in Agriculture

Agriculture plays a pivotal role in sustaining global food security and addressing the challenges of a growing population. The efficient use of nutrients in agriculture is crucial to mitigate environmental impact while maximizing crop yield. Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing nutrient management in agriculture. By analyzing real-time data on weather, soil conditions, and crop health from sensors, robots, drones, and satellites (via machine learning and image analysis), AI empowers farmers to make informed decisions on fertilizer application, minimizing environmental impact. Mobile apps and AI-driven drones further enhance this by identifying plant nutrient deficiencies, enabling targeted interventions. Technologies like plantix, green seeker, and fasal sense leverage sensors and AI to analyze soil composition, recommend nutrient management strategies, and enable targeted fertilizer application. AI offers innovative solutions for optimizing nutrient management, leading to a more sustainable and data-driven future for agriculture.