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Nutrient Management in Protected Conditions including Soilless Cultivations

Protected cultivation, including greenhouses and polyhouses, offers a controlled environment for plant growth, overcoming challenges like improper nutrition and pest infestations. Soilless cultivation methods, such as hydroponics and aeroponics, have emerged as sustainable alternatives to traditional soil-based farming, providing precise control over nutrient delivery. Fertigation, the simultaneous application of water and nutrients through the irrigation system, plays a crucial role in nutrient management, ensuring improved crop performance and resource efficiency. Various nutrient delivery systems, including drip irrigation, substrate-based systems, and automated nutrient management systems, are utilized to optimize plant growth and productivity in protected cultivation. The composition of nutrient media is carefully calculated based on plant growth stage and atmospheric conditions, with essential fertilizers and micronutrients being utilized for proper plant nutrition. Overall, protected cultivation and soilless farming methods offer innovative solutions for achieving food security and meeting the needs of a rapidly urbanizing world.