Climate change is making the cropping environment more variable on all geographical and temporal aspects. Plant breeding techniques that focus on the physiological restrictions on crop performance in specific habitats are required to maximise yield potential in good years and preserve yield stability during circumstances of increasing abiotic stress. This means that the breeding strategy needs to be characterized by habitat clustering, dynamic modelling of conditions within target populations of environments, GxE forecasts, and the development of screens that facilitate genetic gain selection. With the use of related technologies and high-throughput phenotyping (HTP), these issues can be resolved. There is great potential for whole-genome selection?which is employed increasingly often in breeding programs to be supplemented by non-destructive HTP analysis of the morphological, biochemical, and physiological properties of plant canopies. Numerous cutting-edge analytical methods, including deep learning and machine learning, along with sensors, enable quick, objective, and repeatable evaluation of sizable breeding populations. HTP can be used to examine secondary features that influence water and radiation usage efficiency for selection at the start of a breeding plan.